The priority area of our institution has been to strengthen teacher student relationship which helps us to augment the holistic institutional development. The institution encourages not only its faculty to pursue faculty development goals and strategies, but also students are being exposed to the new trends and opportunities in numerous fields of academia, arts, literature, science, skill orientation etc. Our teachers regularly go for faculty development programmes such as refresher/ orientations courses, workshops, seminars and debates. The institution encourages its faculty members for short term/long term research projects and publishing the work in quality journals. Our institutions encourages faculty members, for induction of ICT and various LMS for teaching, for in-calculating training programmes the faculty members attends works at different institutions established by the ministry of IT Government of India. Moreover, in recent times our teaching faculty has adopted e-mode of classes using latest IT tools and techniques for carrying out the pedagogy. Other than imparting the formal education to our students, our effort also remains to take care of their psychological and health behaviour. Our institution regularly organizes psychological and health related programmes.